[Honors Seg 1, Lesson 01 MC] "By Freedom gained, by Truth maintained, Thine Empire shall be strong." In a response of two to three sentences, explain how these lines reveal the poet's attitude toward the Empire:

Respuesta :

Kipling, the writer, had complicated perspectives on domain. From one perspective, he positively trusted Britain had a privilege and a commitment to travel to another country to the terrains of the poor unbelievers and bring Britain's prevalent financial, political, and social contributions to them. He was obviously  affected by his time in British India and waxed wonderful about it in his stanza and short stories.



The poet is patriotic towards his country.


Edward Elgar first composed a music for "Pomp and Circumstance" which King Edward VII liked very much. He suggested the addition of words into this tune, resulting in the "Land of Hope and Glory" with the words by Arthur C. Benson. They were initially different works for different purposes but came to be put together after the king's suggestion. This song is now representative of British patriotism and have been sung in various instances such as the last "Night of the Proms" which is a famous worldwide musical event in celebration of British traditions.