The correct answer is CPT codes 36561, 77001-26.
The administration of a tunneled Port-A-Cath through the subclavian vein was done on a 63-year-old. It is essential to note that it is tunneled. The procedure was done under fluorescence guidance for placement of a central venous access instrument.
The Port-A-Cath method is witnessed in the CPT index by looking for Central Venous Catheter Insertion/Placement/Tunneled/Centered with Port directs one to 36560, 36561, 36566. The code 36561 is the correct code. The guidelines for central venous access methods directs one to use 77001 for fluoroscopic guidance.
This can be witnessed in the CPT index by looking for Venous/Fluoroscopy Access Device or Venous Access Device/Fluoroscopic guidance instructing one to add-on code 77001.