URGENT!! In certain varieties of chicken, an allele for black feathers (IB) is co-dominant with an allele for white feathers (IW). Part A: Predict the phenotype that will be expressed by a chicken that is heterozygous (IBIW) for feather color. Part B: Suppose a solid white hen (IWIW) mates with a solid black rooster (IBIB). Predict the percentage of their offspring that will express a co-dominant phenotype. In your answer, be sure to explain the reasoning behind your prediction. Part C: Describe how co-dominance is different from incomplete dominance.

Respuesta :

nothing will happen the STD will still be there.  =)


A) black and white strips on the feathers

B) 100 %

C) Co-dominance allows expression of two different traits individually without blending/mixing while incomplete dominance allows expression of a new trait by blending the two parental traits.


Part A-

Since the two alleles i.e an allele for black feathers (IB) and an allele for white feathers (IW) are co-dominant. Thus, a heterozygous individual that has both IB and IW allele will have black and white strips on the feathers.

Part B-

A solid white hen (IWIW) and solid black rooster (IBIB) mates , then the following offspring will be produced


Out of four offspring, all are heterozygous and thus they are co-dominant.

Thus, 100% offspring express a co-dominant phenotype.

Part C-

Co-dominance allows expression of two different traits individually without blending/mixing while incomplete dominance allows expression of a new trait by blending the two parental traits.