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Islam began when The Muhammad (s.a.w) received a revelation from Allah through Angel Gabriel in Cave Hira around 610 AD.

The revelation was the first Chapter revealed from the Quran (Chapter 96 aka Surah Alaq) which states "Convey in the name of your lord". This message was for Muhammad (s.a.w) to convey the Message of God to the people.

The first people to accept Islam were:

◾Khadija (wife of Muhammad (s.a.w)) - The first woman

(◾Ali (cousin of Muhammad (s.a.w))
◾Abu Bakr (Best friend of Muhammad (s.a.w)) - The first Men)

◾Zaid- The first freed slave & adopted son of the Holy Prophet (s.a.w)

Watch this video for better information: - (How Islam began in 10 minutes)

Islam originated in the 7th century in Saudi Arabia. Hence, Islam is the youngest of the main religions in the world. Prophet Muhammad introduced Islam in 610 AD after experiencing the visit of Angel Gabriel.

According to Islamism, the Qur'an (its Holy Book) is supposed to be of divine origin since it was dictated from Allah to the Angel Gabriel and from the latter to Prophet Muhammad. In other words, Muslim doctrines began long before Muhammad walked on earth since they were transmitted by Angel Gabriel to said prophet.