Sofia is researching for a blog post about why people who want pets should adopt from pet shelters, and she finds a website called It’s run by a dog owner who writes about her experiences with the puppy she adopted from a local shelter. Is this a reliable site for Sofia’s research? no, because it contains a government domain-name suffix yes, because it contains a commercial domain-name suffix no, because it contains primarily personal opinions yes, because it’s written by someone who has a rescue pup

Respuesta :

No it contains primarily personal opinions. I hope this helps


no, because it contains primarily personal opinions


If Sofia is doing some research on the adoption of pets, she should resort to reliable sources. These are the ones which do not have personal opinions but information given by professionals such as veterinarians. Other useful sources can be the ones from local  authorities or organizations  in charge of taking care of abandoned pets in the community. These sources will provide reliable data about pet shelters.