The Epic of Gilgamesh,
Sumeria (c. 3100-c. 2000 BCE)
Man of Shuruppak, son of Ubara-Tutu,
Dismantle your house, build a boat.
Leave possessions, search out living things.
Reject chattels and save lives!
Put aboard the seed of all living things, into the boat.
The boat that you are to build
Shall have her dimensions in proportion,
Her width and length shall be in harmony,
Roof her like the Apsu."

The quote above provides evidence of the interaction of Sumer with:


Respuesta :

The correct answer is - Hebrews.

The Sumerians were the most advanced people in the world in the period when they were still existing, and they were creating lots of literature that was very influential in the surrounding areas because they were on a whole new level of advancement compared to the other civilizations there. It is no wander that most of the civilizations in the surrounding area took examples from them, be it in science, religion, literature, and shape their own societies and beliefs according to them. This was the case with the Hebrews among the others, and it is very easily noticeable that the Hebrews just used the Sumerian basis and modified their stories, beliefs, and culture.