end of one day, the value of a share of a certain stock was $12
next three days
the change in the value of the share was -$1, then, -$1, and then $3
proof of (a)
As given in the question
end of one day, the value of a share of a certain stock = $12
next three days
change in the value of the share was -$1, then, -$1, and then $3
The expression that describes the situation be
= $12 - $1 -$1 + $3
proof of (b)
The expression that describes the situation be
= $12 - $1 -$1 + $3
solving the above expression
we get
= $13
proof of c
The answer to part b mean in context of the problem is ,
The value of a share of a certain stock was $12 at one day end and after the next three days, the change in the value of the share was -$1, t, -$1, $3 than the value of share becomes $13.
Hence proved