
Which of these is the best way to deal with cyberbullying? A. Respond to the cyberbully. B. Avoid telling any adults about the cyberbullying. C. Save all the evidence. D. Ignore threats from the cyberbully.

Respuesta :

The answer is D. Ignore threats from the cyberbully.

The best way to deal with cyberbullies is to just ignore them, do not respond to them as this is what they want, the attention, the glory. You should always tell an adult you trust for example your parents about any cyberbullying, you should not keep it to yourself as this can be dangerous. It would be sensible to save all the evidence but as far as this question goes the best answer is D.

The best course of action is to either disregard the message, take care not to reply, report the bullying, and/or inform your parents.

How Does Cyberbullying Work?

  • When someone harasses, abuses, or threatens someone online, it is known as cyberbullying.
  • 43% of teenagers in the past year reported being bullied online.
  • Always save and print the messages so you have documentation that you've been bullied.
  • Victims frequently experience depression and low self-esteem.

Why do cyberbullies act in this way?

Because they believe that they can say whatever they want to everyone and get deal with it while hiding behind the privacy of their computers, because they've had a horrible day and want to vent on somebody who can't physically retaliate against them, or because they do it just for fun.

How can you put an end to bullying?

  • If this individual is already on your list of friends, remove them before blocking them. You need to delete them if they are not a friend

learn more about the best way to deal with cyberbullying here