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Harry Potter is the main character of the Harry Potter series, and throughout it, he tries to fulfill his destiny and accomplish a mission that is very important to him. Chris McCandless also goes through a self-centered mission, which is very much related to his search for some kind of destiny, and through which he discovers many things about himself. Both stories are connected to the characters pasts and the consequences these pasts had upon them. Harry had to deal with the death of his parents and the direct consequences caused by their killer. Chris came from a rich family and gave it all up because he didn't feel like he belonged in the reality he was embedded. Both characters are also typical weirdos, young men who didn't fit in where they were, mostly because they had big hearts and good intentions, and the environment where they were brought up didn't value those qualities, on the contrary. Then, they were both faced with an opportunity that would take them on a journey of growth and improvement, but would make them face difficult situations many times. Both stories also provoke a big reflection on friendship and love of those around, and how they can be the most important part of one's life. These can be considered some similarities between them.

On the other hand, Harry didn't have a choice when he had to go on his dangerous adventure: it was his destiny, and the whole wizard community depended on him; he is the hero of his story. Chris chose to go on his journey. He had a loving family, who might not have been the best for him because of his beliefs, but who supported and loved him. Even so, Chris decided to go on a lonely journey, which led him to the conclusion that self-discover comes with isolation and regrets. Chris was the rebel kid. Harry didn't have parents, his parents had died, and his family, the uncles whom he lived with, didn't treat him with love or respect, yet, it wasn't his choice to leave. But, unlike Chris, he found people with whom he made strong bonds and who helped him along the way, until the end. Although Chris had help along his journey, he decided to leave everyone he met, in order to give up on his identity completely. Harry only strengthen his identity throughout his path. Chris ended up dying alone, because of random circumstances, poisoned by a fruit he had eaten. Harry, however, didn't die because of his friend's love and support, even though he had sacrificed himself for them. These are some differences between Harry Potter and Chris McCandless.