
Pp 2.10 write an application that determines the value of the coins in a jar and prints the total in dollars and cents. read integer values that represent the number of quarters, dimes, nickels, and pennies.

Respuesta :



10 PRINT "Hi !"  

15 PRINT "Please type the number of quarters, dimes, nickels, and pennies in the jar."

20 PRINT "Type commas between the numbers."

30 INPUT Q, D, N, P

40 JAR = 25*Q  +  10*D  +  5*N  +  P

50 DLRS = INT(0.01*JAR) : CNTS = JAR - 100*DLRS

60 PRINT "The value of the coins in the jar is "; DLRS; " dollars and "; CNTS; " cents."

70 PRINT "Do you want to run the program again ?"

80 PRINT "Type [ Y ] for yes, or [ N ] for no."

90 INPUT A$ : IF  A$ = "Y" or A$ = "y" then PRINT : PRINT : GOTO 15

100 IF A$ = "N" or A$ = "n" then PRINT "OK.  Thank you.  BYE."

110 END

(This is the most up-to-date software development language I know how to use.  But I'm a dinosaur.  You're free to implement the application in any system where you feel more comfortable.)