
You spend 12.55 a week on coffee at the local bakery. How much do you spend annually? If instead you spend on 10 a week, and save 2.55 weekly, how much will you spend on coffee annually? And save?

Respuesta :

There are 52 weeks in one yer.

Multiply the amount spent in one week by 52 to get the yearly total

12.55 x 52 = 652.60 per year

If you spend 10 per week, multiply that by 52 to find the total savings.

10 x 52 = 520 per year.

To find the savings subtract the two totals:

652.60 - 520 = 132.60 savings.


First of all, excluding leap day and all that, there are about 52 weeks in a year. We just multiply.


Therefore, you spend $652.6 annually.


It seems that now we spend $10 a week, and save 2.55 weekly. First of all, we multiply our ten.


We also multiply our savings.


Therefore, you spend $520 annually and save $132.6.

I hope this helps!