Respuesta :
1. He was fearless and determined to use armed force.
2. Garibaldi
3. It started the Franco-Prussian War
1. "The great questions of the time are not decided by speeches and majority resolutions—that was the big mistake of 1848 and 1849—but by iron and blood." Bismarck's fearlessness and determination soon earned him the title "Blood and Iron Chancellor."
2. A supporter of Mazzini, Garibaldi was a revolutionary, spent time in exile (considered a rebel), and was also a skilled propagandist. He was trained in guerrilla warfare and won military victories. In 1858, Cavour appointed the rebel Garibaldi an army general to fight Austria. Garibaldi returned a hero (was an accomplished general ).
3. Bismarck saw this as an opportunity to provoke France into declaring war (the Franco-Prussian War) . He edited a telegram—known as the Ems telegram—in a way that insulted France and Spain and released it to the press.