How does the first person point of viewing both "Some Keep the Sabbath Going to Church" and "Because I Could Not Stop for Death" help communicate the ideas presented in the poems?

Respuesta :

Emily Dickenson was certainly the queen of all observant poetry. She writes very much from what she sees around her. Much of it is unique to her own quite external life. The details about the Sabbath are engaging. She listens to God's sermons through the nature around her: Orchids and birds deliver what God has to say. She concludes that by observant of God's Creation she does need to yearn for heaven. She's already there. If she speaks in first person, we know what she sees and what it means to her, but most of all we knows how she thinks about herself and the life around her. What she lives vibrates with internal power.

In I could not stop for death, the same sort of thing is going on. Each detail shows a path that could be taken with death leading on. She sees death as a singular servant taking her in a carriage that is headed into eternity. These are not idle thoughts. There the internal things she feels from what she sees. We are drawn into the things that mean the very most to her.


