Respuesta :
Post-war division of Germany:
Germany surrendered to the victorious allies on the 8th of May 1945, this left the country in ruins.
Many of its cities were destroyed by mass bombings or battles.
No functioning government or economy, no currency.
Widespread fear of starvation.
Outbreaks of disease.
7 million soldiers dead.
Four major allies:
Britain, France, USSR and USA focused on demilitarisation and denazification.
Allies agreed to divide Germany into four military zones, one for each.
Overseen by Allied Control Council
Comprised of members of each of the four allies.
Stalin sought a redrawing of Germany’s borders to favour Poland.
Poland would be given all of the land to the East of the border and Neisse Rivers as compensation for the USSR taking it in 1939.
Allies agreed on:
Denazification: Former Nazi leaders brought to justice in post-war trials.
Demilitarisation: Military reductions ensured Germany could never start aggressive wars again.
Industrialisation: Large German industrial concerns would be dismantled to keep Germany weak as well as to ship materials to USSR for reparations.
Democratisation: Agreed that Germany should be prepared for democracy
The idea that military zones of occupation were approved.
Berlin to be divided.
Berlin lay geographically in the East
Within the Soviet zone.
There was no formal agreement about how the Western Allies would access their zones of Berlin.
Allies unsuccessful in agreeing over reparations.
Stalin had lost 20 million citizens wanted $20 billion, but the USA refused to agree on a fixed sum
USA reluctant to see Soviet Union recover through further damage to the Western Zones.
They agreed that each power would take reparations from each of their zones.
Stalin could have a further 10% of the industrial machinery in each of the three Western Zones.
A further 15% in return for food and raw materials from the Soviet zone.
This was a short term strategy, they assumed that Germany would eventually reunite.
Western allies saw this as capitalist democracy, whilst Stalin emphasised the demilitarised neutral aspect.
Priorities were to denazify Germany.
Ward off a humanitarian crisis.
Soviet zone:
Had a 17 million population in 1939.
19 million in 1947 because of refugees.
Women: men ratio was 135:100.
A lot of children and elderly people.
Claims of war damages were over-exaggerated.
Most large scale enterprise continued quickly after the War.
Not 40% reduction in industrial capacity that was claimed.
There was attempts at minimising the reparations to the USSR.
Soviet Policy:
Inconsistent towards his policies in the Soviet zone.
He had no desire for a Communist republic separate from the other zones.
He wasn’t even sure that Communism was compatible with the Soviet zone.
He wanted to see a reunited Germany preferably under Communist control.
The aim was something he doubted could even exist.
Deployed German Communists in key positions in the zone
Stalin chose to create an “Anti-fascist democracy”
German communists could run the Soviet zone, under Russian supervision.
Spread communism from working class to other zones.
In the Soviet zone, former Nazi’s were excluded from public life, and so communists would govern on Marxist-Leninism.
Stalin also hoped that the US would withdraw from Europe just like after WW1.
Germany surrendered to the victorious allies on the 8th of May 1945, this left the country in ruins.
Many of its cities were destroyed by mass bombings or battles.
No functioning government or economy, no currency.
Widespread fear of starvation.
Outbreaks of disease.
7 million soldiers dead.
Four major allies:
Britain, France, USSR and USA focused on demilitarisation and denazification.
Allies agreed to divide Germany into four military zones, one for each.
Overseen by Allied Control Council
Comprised of members of each of the four allies.
Stalin sought a redrawing of Germany’s borders to favour Poland.
Poland would be given all of the land to the East of the border and Neisse Rivers as compensation for the USSR taking it in 1939.
Allies agreed on:
Denazification: Former Nazi leaders brought to justice in post-war trials.
Demilitarisation: Military reductions ensured Germany could never start aggressive wars again.
Industrialisation: Large German industrial concerns would be dismantled to keep Germany weak as well as to ship materials to USSR for reparations.
Democratisation: Agreed that Germany should be prepared for democracy
The idea that military zones of occupation were approved.
Berlin to be divided.
Berlin lay geographically in the East
Within the Soviet zone.
There was no formal agreement about how the Western Allies would access their zones of Berlin.
Allies unsuccessful in agreeing over reparations.
Stalin had lost 20 million citizens wanted $20 billion, but the USA refused to agree on a fixed sum
USA reluctant to see Soviet Union recover through further damage to the Western Zones.
They agreed that each power would take reparations from each of their zones.
Stalin could have a further 10% of the industrial machinery in each of the three Western Zones.
A further 15% in return for food and raw materials from the Soviet zone.
This was a short term strategy, they assumed that Germany would eventually reunite.
Western allies saw this as capitalist democracy, whilst Stalin emphasised the demilitarised neutral aspect.
Priorities were to denazify Germany.
Ward off a humanitarian crisis.
Soviet zone:
Had a 17 million population in 1939.
19 million in 1947 because of refugees.
Women: men ratio was 135:100.
A lot of children and elderly people.
Claims of war damages were over-exaggerated.
Most large scale enterprise continued quickly after the War.
Not 40% reduction in industrial capacity that was claimed.
There was attempts at minimising the reparations to the USSR.
Soviet Policy:
Inconsistent towards his policies in the Soviet zone.
He had no desire for a Communist republic separate from the other zones.
He wasn’t even sure that Communism was compatible with the Soviet zone.
He wanted to see a reunited Germany preferably under Communist control.
The aim was something he doubted could even exist.
Deployed German Communists in key positions in the zone
Stalin chose to create an “Anti-fascist democracy”
German communists could run the Soviet zone, under Russian supervision.
Spread communism from working class to other zones.
In the Soviet zone, former Nazi’s were excluded from public life, and so communists would govern on Marxist-Leninism.
Stalin also hoped that the US would withdraw from Europe just like after WW1.