You will choose one news article about a current event regarding technology/industry's impact on our world/physical environment. You will read this article and compose a summary the article into a bulleted list in your social studies journal. Recommended sites include The New York Times at or CNN at Suggested keyword searches are "technological impact" and "environmental impact." Include the following information in your summary:
Who is the article about?
What event is the article about?
When did the event take place?
When was the article publish?
Where did the event take place?
What impacts does this event have on the world/surrounding environment?
Document your sources and refer to the writing rubric for guidance.

Respuesta :


Its about how Buttigieg steps into the spotlight to sell Biden's infrastructure plan

(CNN) It's not every day that Republican Rep. Sam Graves gets a call from a Cabinet secretary, let alone one who is a Democrat.

However, after the former mayor and presidential nominee was approved two months ago, the centrist Missouri representative who serves as the senior member on the House Committee on Transportation and Facilities has been fascinated by how much he and Department of Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg have discussed infrastructure.

"He calls my mobile phone, and I have his," Graves said, adding that he was shocked by the secretary's "accessibility." "It's definitely great to be able to speak to someone and discuss the various topics."

this even took place on sunday, this article was published on April 3rd and was updated on April 9th.

Buttigieg, a politician who rose to fame by touting his promise to reach out to Republicans, sees the campaign as an opportunity to make good on that commitment by turning more of his attention on Republicans in Congress, many of whom have mocked Biden's initiative as being too dependent on physical infrastructure.